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Filminfo & Termine

Todeszug nach Yuma
USA 2007, Laufzeit: 122 Min., FSK 16
Regie: James Mangold
Darsteller: Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, Kevin Durand, Christopher Browning, Peter Fonda, Ben Foster, Gretchen Mol, Lennie Loftin, Dallas Roberts

Meine Meinung zu diesem Film

Western DeLuxe
DaisyJean (21), 15.09.2009

Grandioser Film, tolle Darsteller, gute und bewegende Story...ein klassischer Western, wie man ihn schon lange nicht mehr gesehen hat!!!

Better than expected
poodles (46), 03.01.2008

Good old western movie, with all the usual ingredients: a robbery, good guys and bad guys, plenty of twists and turns in the plot and some top acting to keep it all moving forward. Russell Crowe was great with a solid presence. Well cast too was his opposite Christian Bale. 3:10 to Yuma was to my delight much better than anticipated.

Neue Kinofilme

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